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Maid Name Riski Septiani
Ref. Code IND-TRF06
Type Transfer
Rest Day Preference 1 rest days per month
Maid Agency My Employment Agency
Available ASAP
Nationality Indonesian
Education Secondary level (8~9 yrs)
Please Sign in to see full biodata.
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NetMaid with email/password
as Employer

Language Skill
Language Level Experience (yrs)
English So-so 0
Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia Excellent 0
Preference/Aptitude & Experience
Area of Work Preference Experience
Care for Infant/Children 5 yr
Care for Elderly -
Care for Disabled -
General Housework 5 yr
Cooking 5 yr
Other Information
Able to handle pork?
Able to eat pork?
Able to handle beef?
Able to care dog/cat?
Able to do gardening work?
Able to do simple sewing?
Willing to wash car?
Willing to work with another helper?
Working Experience
Country Experience
Home Country 5 yr
Singapore 1 mo
My Employment Agency
Licence: 19C9558
Licence# 19C9558

Far East Plaza

International Plaza
Opening Hour 9am to 6pm
Tel 9238 2955 / 9101 8505
Fax 97220 099
Contact LYNN
9101 8505
EA Personnel LYNN 9101 8505 (R1443143)
SHIELA 8355 7233 (R1107127)
IVIN CHEE 9238 2922 (R1106356)
JOYCE CHEAH 8133 5099 (R1101773)
SHARON TEO 9015 9833 (R24121677)
AGNES LIM 9101 1298 (R21100578)
Last updated on 2024-12-14 11:36:18 +0800
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